Our Story

In 2012, Markus and Dallas adopted their first cat together while they were students living in Vancouver, BC. Galvis, a blue domestic shorthair kitten, was no more than 6 weeks old when he joined their family. Through his life he suffered from extreme anxiety and behavioural concerns, likely attributed to his young adoption age.

Following a move to Halifax, NS, they attended a cat show on a whim, not knowing fully what a cat show would entail.

At the show they met all sorts of breeds of cat. At the show, Dallas met and fell in love with the Singapura.

After speaking extensively with the breeder, they joined the waitlist and welcomed Khaleesys 1947 Roswell UFO Incident (Roswell) home the following year and started their own cat show journey.

It was at these cat shows that Dallas and Markus first met Theo Mitchell and her Bombay and Burmese cats.

Markus held one of her Bombay males, who proceeded to fall asleep in a busy show hall, and that was that, Markus found his heart breed.

In 2021 Markus and Dallas welcomed Seasedge A Symphony-of-Horror (Orlok), their first Bombay from Theo into their home. Which made their little family complete (or so they thought).

In December 2022, Markus and Dallas (Purranormal Cattery) began working with Theo (Seasedge Burmese and Bombay) in a joint breeding program.

Both catteries work as preservation breeders, and continue to show their cats throughout North America, and maybe one day internationally.

The kittens and cats they raise go to pet homes, show homes, and other breeders. Creating a Purranormal and Seasedge family.